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What's Wrong With Me?

If you don't want to read about me babbling on then this isn't the blog for you.

so recently I've not been able to sleep well for a year or two not sleeping has affected me I never feel tired unless I completely run my battery out, I stay awake till 7-8 in the Moring which means I when I wake up the day has gone. This is affecting me so much my social life is down the pan because im asleep plus my parents are moaning but I really cant help it my brain wont relax I try and try to go sleep but I end up lying in bed looking at the wall.

That's not the only thing I work weekends so on weekends I deal with the public a lot and im fine doing it im good a my job but every now and then I just get this urge off panic rush through my body and its like I just freeze I don't know what it is but afterwards It fades and I feel fine I really don't know what's going on with me now.

Im so annoyed I don't know my own body how can all this be going on and I not know what's happening it feels like im not in control of myself which is rather confusing and annoying.

A lot of people have told me to go to the doctors as my symptoms sound like anxiety but I don't even know what anxiety is? if I have this anxiety thing then how do I deal with it how do I treat it? will it be with me for my life?

I really need to stop thinking ahead I don't know weather its anxiety I really need to go to the doctors but im so scared of what there going to say...

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